﹥ Portuguese Conjugator ﹥ -AR | achatar

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Conjugation of the Portuguese Verb 'achatar'



Indicative Tenses

eu achateinós achatámos
tu achatastevós achatastes
ele achatoueles achataram
past imperfect
eu achatavanós achatávamos
tu achatavasvós achatáveis
ele achatavaeles achatavam
past pluperfect
eu achataranós achatáramos
tu achatarasvós achatáreis
ele achataraeles achataram

Indicative Tenses

eu achatonós achatamos
tu achatasvós achatais
ele achataeles achatam
eu achatareinós achataremos
tu achatarásvós achatareis
ele achataráeles achatarão


achatemos nós
achata tuachatai vós
achate eleachatem eles
não achatemos nós
não achates tunão achateis vós
não achate elenão achatem eles
eu achatarianós achataríamos
tu achatariasvós achataríeis
ele achatariaeles achatariam
personal infinitive
para achatar eupara achatarmos nós
para achatares tupara achatardes vós
para achatar elepara achatarem eles

Subjunctive Tenses

past imperfect
se eu achatassese nós achatássemos
se tu achatassesse vós achatásseis
se ele achatassese eles achatassem
que eu achateque nós achatemos
que tu achatesque vós achateis
que ele achateque eles achatem
quando eu achatarquando nós achatarmos
quando tu achataresquando vós achatardes
quando ele achatarquando eles achatarem
eco-friendly printable Portuguese conjugation for the verb achatar

*Verbs are shown as:

  1. INFINITIVE + SUFFIX: For example, the verb dar has a conjugation of dar+ei which is shown as darei.
  2. STEM + SUFFIX REPLACEMENT: For example, the verb volver has a conjugation of volv+eu which is shown as volveu.
  3. IRREGULAR: For example, the verb pedir has a conjugation of peço which is shown as peço.
-AR conjugation hints:
  1. All second persons end in 's' except for the imperative and preterite indicative singular
  2. All singulars for first and second persons end in a vowel except for the future and personal infinitive
  3. All first person plurals end in '-mos'
  4. All third person plurals end in 'm' except for future indicative
  5. The future subjunctive and personal infinitive are the same
  6. The future and pluperfect indicatives are the same except the stress syllable on the pluperfect is before the future and the first person singular and the third person plural suffixes are different
  7. It is important to remember that all the subjunctive tenses are 'subject' unto the indicative tenses for creating the radical part of the verb. The radical for the present subjunctive is formed by dropping the final 'o' of the present indicative first person singular. The radicals for both the preterite and future subjunctives are formed by dropping the '-ram' from the preterite indicative third preson plural.
  8. Considering the -ar and either the -er or -ir suffixes as opposite conjugations, the indicative and subjunctive present tenses are almost opposites. The radical of the present subjective is formed by dropping the final 'o' from the present indicative first person singular. The verb conjugation is formed as the opposite present indicative verb conjugation except the first person singular is the same as the third person singular.